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Learner's Journey Log (EOC2)

So for this time we did EOC (Essence Of Culture) the main focus for this module was in depth analysis and we studied about culture and got to know a lot of things which were not known and also there was an analysis done on the tribe assigned to us.

Tools of Inquiry

we were introduced two tools of inquiry which helped us to do the analysis more efficiently, they are:

  1. Semi structured interview: So basically this is a type of interview where the interviewer doesn't really formalize the questions, its more like a conversation. This method is really effective and has been really easy to know deeper concepts attached to something for someone, it seems to be more as a brainstorm session, thinking about different thing and getting deeper in analyzing.

For me in this case it was really easy to get into the though process of the person towards that object for instance the question where I did ask why they don't prefer the other option, I came to know the exact thinking behind their choice.

benefits: effective for deeper analysis, simple as a conversation

limitations : lengthy process, time taking, not fluent

In all I would say its a pretty simple process of analysis

2. 5W1H: this tool unlike the previous one is very systematic but also insures in-depth study of something, it does cover all kinds of questions which are the 5W i.e. what ,when ,why ,who ,where. this type of interview is not really like a conversation, it is always to the point and not really on the spot.

For me it was easier and quick to gather the adequate amount of information in no time and it was not really a struggle

benefits: effective, struggle free, quick

limitations: no analysis of the deeper thought process, not a conversation


  1. I understood that there are always two aspects to something one is material which is physically available and visible, the other is non material which is not physically visible but is emotionally present and these two aspects are very important to analysis something as being a designer there is always a need to have the in-depth knowledge of whatever we are working with to have our own take on it. So i feel this has been a learning to maybe sub divide the object or topic i will be working with in this way to make it easier to categorized.

2. The 5WHs interview has made me learn a systematic way of analyzing things and i would be using it for the upcoming projects specially in EOC.


Analysis is a part of design it is important for thinking of different ideas, EOC has always made me learn how to research about different things, knowing about the culture which is known to us for years. I understood the importance of knowing things around me and analyzing them in different ways.


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